Become a member


Thank you for  your membership and support for RFSL and  that  important work for LGBTQ-peoples rights!

Become a member of RFSL at (registration currently only in swedish). You can pay with autogiro, bankgiro or credit card.

Member fee

The member fee for RFSL is 100 SEK/year.

Before and including the year you turn 26, you can become a member of RFSL Ungdom. Free of charge.

Between 27 and 30 years of age you can also be a member of RFSL Ungdom, but without the youth discount.

Argument for becoming a member

  • You take a stand for LGBT human rights.
  • As a member you can get involved in your local branch.
  • You give RFSL a stronger voice locally, nationally and internationally.
  • You get a safe community and become part of an important movement.
  • You can be a part of and influence RFSL.

